About the same time that connection with the combined CMCA/NZMCA on-line forum was re-established, a New Zealand forum for motorhomes sprung up, at www.nzmotorhome.co.nz. It has repidly grown into a thriving forum and community for all things motorhoming. Already the membership is approaching 200, and there is information on a wide range of topics.
It was started by Mark Howard from Rotorua as a personal forum, and has rapidly become a centre for discussion and information.The NZMCA has so far declined to support the initiative, but hopefully it can be seen as something complementary. Many/most of the forum members are NZMCA members, and some have been wanting a NZ forum for some time.
After being initially enthusiastic about a combined CMCA/NZMCA forum, it has become clear that a home-grown NZ one is a better option. The Australians were reluctant to set aside a NZ corner for NZ issues, and there were a few too many sheep jokes for new NZ members.
Mark is now well on the way with a mapping system to show on the map useful things like dump stations and truck fuel stops. It really is become a wonderful resource for NZ motorhome people.