On our last night in Tauranga we stayed at Sulphur Point down by the harbour which is one of our many home-away-from-homes. Our departure from town next morning was a bit disastrous; fuel contamination which is a long story getting … Continue reading
A week after our first ramble in May in the Otanewaiuku Forest near Te Puke we went back to explore some more. Across the road from our first outing to the lookout is another loop track so we headed off … Continue reading
From the kiwifruit place we could look south to distant hills, and we heard that there were nice walks to be wandered there. So back in May on one of our days off we drove off up the road in … Continue reading
This Autumn past we worked in a kiwifruit packhouse in the Bay of Plenty – Bay of Plenty kiwifruit. It passed quite quickly. We worked mostly three days on and one day off which didn’t leave much time for thinking … Continue reading
Having made a brief discovery of the dam up behind Waihi Beach the day before, I was keen to see if there were any walks to be walked. There are no signs to guide anyone – and perhaps that is the … Continue reading
Having circumnavigated The Mount of Mt Maunganui while Suzi motorhome got lubricated, and with the sun shining, we were keen to get out of Dodge City. I got the job of getting Suzi through her six-monthly Certificate of Fitness while … Continue reading
We’re still working in Onehunga. And I’m getting around to sorting through some of my photos from the last few months. We’d been working in a kiwifruit packhouse in Te Puke. And only had a few days before we needed … Continue reading
After a night at the beach at Sandpit, we moved further west to Pukehina Beach, another gem in the Bay of Plenty Beaches. Pukehina is built on a 5km long narrow sand spit between the sea and a large estuary. … Continue reading
We arrived in the Bay of Plenty at the end of March to learn that it would be a while before our kiwifruit packhouse shift would be starting. We weren’t immediately concerned about that having just finished 38 days straight … Continue reading
The next morning was bleak and cold. We had a walk around the block at the Taupo airport before finally heading on north. The new bypass means we can bypass Taupo so we did. Wyn did some more driving which … Continue reading
Back in May, while things were still not at full-tilt with the kiwifruit, we took any opportunity to get out and enjoy the days. Around Mount Maunganui remained a favourite. It is a nice round trip with a variety of … Continue reading
The main road from Tauranga to Auckland heads north west around Tauranga Harbour before heading inland at Waihi. The Karangahake Gorge provides a stunning low-level gap between the Kaimai Range to the south west and the Coromandel Ranges to the … Continue reading
With fine days we tried to get out and enjoy the last of the summer. This was the summer that was late and carried on into autumn. Worse things happen! A favoured walk was the one around the Mount, aka … Continue reading
Back in April, after Easter, work at the kiwifruit packhouse was start/stop. We expected that after last year, but it still made getting into any routine for night shift difficult. We’d just start t get a bit of a pattern … Continue reading
Woops, done it again! There I was all up to date and then I goes and rests on my laurels. Nevertheless, we’re alive and well and still working at the kiwifruit packhouse. We’re into the busy end of the main … Continue reading