This is the last part of my 1970s nostalgia saga of dust and diesel. I’d flown north from Perth to Tom Price and been impressed by how long it took the jet to get there. It was a long way … Continue reading
I’ve always liked this photo. For me it somehow captures the time and place. Mid 1970s. Out back up north in West Australia. Specifically the Theiss Bros maintenance yard at Mt Tom Price, adjacent to the open-cast iron ore mine. … Continue reading
In the mid-1970s I lived and worked for 6 months in the middle of not much in the north of West Australia. Mt Tom Price is the name of a hill, and the town nearby. Mt Tom Price is composed … Continue reading
I’m still back in the 1970s – down memory lane of the old photo collection. Early in the 1970s there was the mountaineering push as the Otago Tramping Club morphed into the Otago Tramping and Mountaineering Club. There were a … Continue reading
Another day and another old photo. Another from my collection of 1970s tramping photos – and this one definitely showing its age. I think it was New Year’s Day 1971. Those were the days when the Otago Tramping and Mountaineering … Continue reading
The rockclimbing place near Dunedin in the 1970s was Long Beach. That’s where the Mighty Mini (Photo of the Day #20) was seen. Beside the rock that we climbed all over. This photo was taken one busy day in the … Continue reading
So here we are, blobbing out in Blenheim. Having finished our first spell of motel minding, we’re trying to catch up on a few things plus get some exercise. Some time back I had fun resurrecting some of my old … Continue reading
Travels in South East Asia August-September 2011 – Day 9 – Bangkok Pulling in to Bangkok by train was an interesting way to arrive in the bigcity. But it did give the impression that it is quite big. Bangkok is … Continue reading
Travels in South East Asia August-September 2011 – Day 8. Leaving Koh Samui was another adventure. We could easily have stayed longer, but we had places to go. We had booked travel to Bangkok, but that was an adventure in … Continue reading
Travels in South East Asia August-September 2011. Koh Samui had certainly changed a lot since 1977 when I first visited. But we could hardly believe our luck when we landed on a lovely laid-back end of a fairly busy Lemai … Continue reading
Travels in South East Asia August-September 2011. Lemai Beach on Koh Samui (island) in Thailand was a lovely place to wake up. We were at the quiet end of the beach and that was busy enough for us. Later in … Continue reading
Day 4 of our travels last year ended with a mini-bus hurtle from Penang north to the Thailand border, a bizarre border town where we temporarily lost a passenger and found an elephant in the main street, and eventually a … Continue reading
Continuing my trip down memory alley, Day 4 of our South East Asia travels last year began on Penang Island and ended hurtling north in Thailand – on a big bus with a loud video playing. We’d been in Georgetown … Continue reading
The third day of our travels last year was the first day we woke and went to bed in the same place. We got off to a flying start but hoped to spend at least a couple of nights in … Continue reading
Most winters the Otago Tramping and Mountaineering Club organises a snowcaving trip to the Old Man Range in Central Otago. A snowcave is a hole (cave) dug into a snow bank to sleep in. It’s an important thing to learn … Continue reading