Back in May, while things were still not at full-tilt with the kiwifruit, we took any opportunity to get out and enjoy the days. Around Mount Maunganui remained a favourite. It is a nice round trip with a variety of vistas. And there is always the chance of a coffee or an icecream (or fish and chips) at the end. For some reason we always seemed to go clockwise. This day we walked along the beach to Moturiki Island, which isn’t an island although maybe it once was. Something else it once was was an aquatic theme park sort of thing back in the 1950s-1960s.
Now there is no sign of that phase of it’s existence – it’s more of a place to watch the sun set or look back to Mt Maunganui. This day the sunset scene was over Tauranga Harbour. We watched it while eating our fish and chips – a nice way to end the day.