Another Wingatui Week – And Friends Hill


The week from 20th September was another busy one. We were still staying at the Wingatui Racecourse. Monday we took the car to the car hospital to get her chassis straightened a bit. Was it Oscar Wilde who said that the only thing worse than bending the chassis of your car is bending it twice? Ours has been punished a bit in the towing process. Also that day I walked into the lion’s den aka the Telecom shop. I’d received a note saying they were going to disconnect our mobile data network and wanted us to switch over to their wonderful new XT network. I’d been very resistant because of hearing gripes about its performance out in the countryside. And I was unimpressed that all they were offering me to switch was the same as they were offering people who walked in off the street.  Anyway I bit the bullet and had the chat and they offered me a better deal – maybe to get rid of me? Or maybe there had been an omission in the information sent out to me.

Taieri Plains

From Friends Hill Road looking south over Wingatui and Mosgiel

Taieri Plains

West from Friends Hill Road

Tuesday Wyn was out trekking around the Taieri Plains sorting out wedding details and I was catching up on stuff.  Wednesday was more of the same plus a walk around the racecourse with an extension up the lower part of Friends Hill Road. This was a week of miserable weekend with lots of cold from the south. It started with snow on the Maungatuas and ended that way as well. There was a succession of southerly storms/fronts. I put on my polyprop long-johns on about Wednesday and wore them until the weekend. It was cold.

Wyn Friends Hill Road

Wyn walking up Friends Hill Road - which is actually a track

Taieri Plains

Taieri Plains south from Friends Hill Road towards Maungatuas

Taieri Plains

West from Friends Hill Road

Thursday I made a start on our wedding invitations and later in the day we went for a walk most of the way up Friends Hill Road. I remembered to take the camera this time.  Friday morning was perhaps the coldest, and the snow overnight was the closest it got to lying on the Plains. In the afternoon we headed into Dunedin to sort a few things out and after a few visits as well it was late evening before we got back home.  As the week ended so the weather abated as well. It had been another busy week but we were making progress with wedding plans.

Taieri Plains

West towards Rock and Pillar Range in distance

Green fields

Rolling green fields above Wingatui

Trig Taieri Plains

Trig beside Friends Hill Road - looking south over Taieri Plains

Taieri Plains

Storm clouds over Taieri Plains - Maungatua Range in distance


Heading down Friends Hill Road back into Wingatui - Maungatuas in the distance

Ross rugged up

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2 Responses to Another Wingatui Week – And Friends Hill

  1. Julia Davies says:

    Yikes – looks cold.
    Still gets me homesick tho’

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