After what seemed like an eternity, we finally got ourselves and our motorhome out of town for Labour Weekend. And headed for Central Otago and Lake Hawea. We launched from Mosgiel a little after 5pm and wondered what the holiday traffic would be like. Forgetting that this is the lower end of the South Island; where holiday traffic is relatively civilised. Plus we left the car behind so Suzi motorhome was enthusiastic about getting on the road.
The traffic really wasn’t a bother and we managed to be fairly considerate drivers and pull over wherever possible. I have to say that drivers down this way are not as keen as the ones further north for acknowledging efforts to pull over but we didn’t let that enjoyment of the evening. In fairly quick time the landscape changed from green to brown with some purple thyme added in for good measure.
We woke to a lovely sunny morning and something reminded me it was Saturday and the Saturday paper awaited me. A short walk to the shop rewarded me with the ODT and my reading for the weekend.
Later we went for a bike ride near Wanaka. This was moderately successful so long as you don’t count not finding the right track and having to manhandle our bikes a long way down a track that was hardly a track to find the Lake Outlet track. I blamed the sign and reckon that they’d built houses over where the sign said the track was. Or it might just be my map-reading?
Eventually we got down to the track without too much wear and tear and we were able to enjoy a ride back around through lots of new houses to where we started.
This was the best weather of the weekend. The cloud got progressively thicker until it started to rain lightly in the middle of Monday. But it was a nice relaxing weekend and the trip back home to Mosgiel got us a few more toots for good manners. And we got ice creams in Lawrence for good measure.