A while back I stopped allowing comments on posts. The spam we were getting was starting to make my hair curl. I haven’t found out how to prevent/avoid the stuff, so I turned comments off. It seems to take the spammers a while to catch up with new posts – maybe they’re lazy as well as horrible.
Anyway, I thought we’d try allowing comments on this post, inviting you to say hello or ask anything or say something relating to any of the previous posts. When the spammers start with their stuff I’ll have to turn comments off again. Meantime, it’d be nice to hear from you.
Not sure if you told me about the spam problem, but i should be able to fix it. WordPress has some pretty good spam prevention addons.
Yeah, not sure if I mentioned it either. I meant to 🙂 Something to stop the blighters would be good please. It would be good to allow comments – the spam just spoils it. Let me know what you think would be best.
Glad to hear all is well up there in the north. It is a wee bit chilly down here but we are coping we are certainly not getting to -3 which is good. Keep up the updating we love to read what you are up to. Take care and catch up soon Louise
Well I’m following you so you are probably following me…
Good old internet.
I finally sorted my email – but it was great to have the other as back-up.
I am so reluctant to let go of the Clear one – mainly because I’m hooked up to everything with it. Still will see.
Well it is nice and warm here – and getting warmer – tho’ we are getting some rain now and that does eventually cool things down a bit. We’ve had povernight temps down to 19 and 17 this week.
But also humidity up to 95%/98%
Where are you heading for next?
ciao Ju xxxooo