Wednesday was another lovely day in Christchurch. We were woken at the Papanui RSA at 6.10am by the loud speaker system from the exercise class inside a building over the fence. A shrill female voice was doing the “… come on .. 3 more … 2 more …” sort of cajoling. Such is the price of inner-city living. We were planning on moving anyway; Wyn was keen to catch up with her grand-daughter who lives in Lyttelton. We moved over to the Woolston Club – an official parkover place with a carpark about the size of a small country. There were several motorhomes already in residence and we soon found a spot and settled in. It wasn’t far to the tunnel to Lyttleton and we were soon hurtling under the hill and out into Lyttleton. It is an impressively long tunnel. We found the right school mostly by good luck – it was where we got to by the time we wondered where it might be – “look, there’s a school sign”…. We picked up Wyn’s grand-daughter and were soon back at Woolston.
I went off for a drive in the Christchurch traffic – out to buy some Plexus perspex cleaner for the roof vents. The ring-road system is great for dodging around the city. Wyn and her grand-daughter went off for a walk and found the Avon. They were baking by the time I got back, hokey-pokey biscuits… yumm. (woops – just mentioning them has made me want one ..) One of our neighbours was running a mobile coffee business – out of a truck with a shell that looked like a steam engine. What a fabulous sight! It’s probably the most wonderful motor vehicle I’ve ever seen. Better than the shaggy dog van in Dumb and Dumber. Cooler than the Fiat Bambino with the wind-up key in the back. Better than anything. Wyn’s grand-daughter was staying the night and after tea and dessert it was time to settle down for the night. We were tired after our early start and it was going to be a long day tomorrow.