We were away from the motels by Wednesday afternoon. Just in time for the rain to set in in earnest. We’d been busy at the motels so it was good to relax. By 4.30pm I was asleep in Suzi. Thursday was promised as a better day. We were up and off for our walk by 11am. It felt early for us. We went back to our favourite Wither Hills walk – the one Wyn had zoomed round on Sunday. We set out to zoom round as well. I took my camera which serves as a good timing devise – so long as I remember to take a photo at each strategic spot.
We headed straight up to the Rotary Lookout in 14 minutes which was a new record. I almost sluiced my eye out with the drinking fountain there. A jet of water shot out just as I was bending over it and I ended up with a sore eye out of it.
A little further up the hill we passed a rabbit which was so bold as to not bother moving away when we came along. It has obviously lived too long with human company. Further up we came across a sheep (lamb?) which appeared to be trying to use the style over the fence. Maybe it had been separated – it seemed keen to get through the fence – or over it! We took the track down to Quail Stream and followed that back down and returned to where we started. It took us 1 hr 6 minutes by the camera – a good effort considering the couple of stops we made.
We launched into our paperwork – trying to get on top of things. Later we went to the Warehouse for a “couple of things”. We found quite a few things, including fibreoptic Christmas trees that cost about $5 and some flashing LED lights. Plus a CD of Christmas music. We just got back home in time for Coronation Street and tea and later had fun getting our lights going. Now it feels like Christmas.