Withering in the Wither Hills

Wither Hills

Back in December we were at a loose end one Sunday and went off for a walk in the Wither Hills that overlook Blenheim. It was a very hot day and it was the middle of the day by the time we got organised. We might have thought better of it – should have. But we didn’t, so we went. It started out hot and got hotter. One redeeming feature was that the first part up Quail Stream was shaded. It is a gradual climb and a good way to get legs warmed up. Except we were already warmed up by the day.


The Wither Hills Farm Park starts on the edge of Blenheim

Quail Stream

Wyn and the Quail Stream drinking fountain

Ross on the ridge

Ross resting on the ridge at the head of Quail Stream

Another redeeming feature was the water fountains. The Wither Hills Farm Park is blessed with water fountains at a number of points. Now that’s nice! There’s even one on the ridge up the back. It’s a great idea. We carry water anyway but this day we were going through it so fast that we used the fountains as well.  Another redeeming feature of the day was that there was a good breeze along the ridge at the top.

And there were good views and we were joining up our dots on the map. It took us most of the afternoon in the end, and a good afternoon it ended up too.


Blenheim from the Wither Hills

Wairau Valley

West from Wither Hills - Quail Stream below, Richmond Range beyond

Wither Hills

Wither Hills

Cloudy Bay and Port Underwood

Cloudy Bay towards Port Underwood - Kapati Island in the haze

North Island

Wairou Lagoons, Cook Strait and North Island

Mt Vernon

Wyn and Ross at the top of Mt Vernon

Wither Hills

Wither Hills

Down to Blenheim

Back down towards Blenheim

Sutherland Stream

Looking down Sutherland Stream towards Blenheim

Sutherland Stream

Looking up Sutherland Stream to Wither Hills

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