Wyn and I were talking this morning about that Dunedin sunrise and how maybe it was the best we have seen. Wyn remembers ringing me to alert me to it. And then we got to talking about what might have been the best sunset we have seen. One sunset that sprang to mind we saw back in March 2009 over the New Plymouth Harbour. We were sitting in the Belt Road Camping Ground looking out over the harbour – relaxing after the wonderful WOMAD music festival.
It was a gorgeous evening. No clouds. Just graduations of colour as the sun set. The thing we remember is that it went on and on. It seemed like hours but was just minutes. Quite a few minutes.

Sunset over New Plymouth Harbour from Belt Road Camping Ground March 2009
Nice shot, would be nicer if the foreground wasn’t so cluttered though. A crop at the horizon might be good – just having the building silhouettes.
Great to get some feedback – thanks Michael. Yeah, it is a bit busy in the foreground – which I sort-of liked. But I’m open to suggestions – some of my best crops are entirely accidental. Are you able to copy it from here and show me what you reckon and email it back. I’m wondering how much harbour you had in mind? And then I can add it to the post? That’d be fun.
My recollection of it was – it went on for over an hour. That was one of the things that made that sunset so special and the colour of course. It seemed like it was going to go on forever.