After Staveley and the sausage rolls, we stayed for a couple of days at Methven. We went for a drive to find Lake Coleridge. For a large lake it proved surprisingly elusive. Sufficiently elusive for us to admit we didn’t really actually find it. We saw it in the distance in glimpses, and drove around half of it to the head of it, without getting very close at all. All round a frustrating experience. Next time we’d not take the road signs too literally and probably head to the outlet to at least reach the darn thing.
We moved on for a night at Springfield, and then on to a paddock at Springbank near Cust near Rangiora. Where we’ve been ever since. Hanging out and helping out a bit on Brian and Judy’s building site. And spending lots of time planning our next wee adventure. We’re off tomorrow for six weeks to China. We’re not completely sure how we came to be going to China. It’s one of those things that just happened.
We decided that China is not a sort of place to wing it. So we’ve looked it up on the interweb and made up an itinerary and booked a bunch of places to stay and lined up a couple of flights and joined the queue to maybe book some train tickets. We’re doing a clockwise circuit from Shanghai, flying south-west to Yunnan province then north to Xi’an and north-west to Beijing before returning south to Shanghai. She’s a big place and we’ll cover a fair bit of ground.
Three months ago we knew almost nothing about China. Now we know a lot more – which still isn’t a heck of a lot. For one of our biggest and most important trading partners we seem to live mostly in ignorance of them. It’ll be interesting to visit – that’s for sure.
Hope you have a great holiday. Look forward to your posts