Our visit to Elaine Bay (Marlborough Sounds) earlier in the month hadn’t started well. The wind blew from four directions (including down) and got us concerned enough to retreat for one night. We returned and gradually the wind settled. One morning I woke up early enough to hear the birds and notice the absence of wind. It was time to get out and take a few photos. The morning was superb, calm and “moody”. With interesting lighting.
I don’t hold with the photo school that says you have to be able to get the shot first time. I see nothing wrong with taking a hundred shots and seeing what worked better and best. Interestingly another camper asked me towards the end of my binge whether I thought I’d managed to “capture” the scene. I wasn’t sure what to say. I should have replied that I had no idea at that stage. It’s hard to tell on a 2.5 inch screen when you haven’t got your glasses. And anyway what I see in my head with my eyes is usually different from what my eyes see on the camera or computer screen.
For me the fun is in trying to reconcile the two – to get the electronic capture to match my brain capture. Or maybe even surprise me and surpass it. It seems to me that the problem is that our eyes are much better lenses than anything the good folk at Canon Corp can conjure up. I see nothing wrong in manipulating the electronic capture as much as I like. This right-first-shot mantra is not for me.
I’ve managed to reduce my hundred or so photos down to eight and I’m happy with them all. If I had to reduce the number further I’d be unhappy. Maybe you can help me with advice on what you think is best or what could be left out. Or how I could improve any of them? Feel free to comment.
Meantime below are eight photos of Elaine Bay – in calm mood.

Elaine Bay #1

Elaine Bay #2

Elaine Bay #3

Elaine Bay #4

Elaine Bay #5

Elaine Bay #6

Elaine Bay #7

Elaine Bay #8
Gallery of photos – Back to the Marlborough Sounds December 2012
Click on thumbnails to see full size. (And then you can click through them)
#1 because it all leads to the centre and is taken fairly low down
#8 because the sky really lights up
Thanks Ju, interesting comments. You can probably imagine it’s hard for me to be objective. I’d like to learn more about composition, I see my Lightroom guy does some composition stuff as well. Ah so much to learn and so little time….